My most favourite tool she offers are the workbooks!
There is one for LIFE and one for BUSINESS and they take you through a bunch of (mostly fun) exercises to get you thinking and focused on what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it! I say mostly fun because some are actually quite thought provoking and pose a bit of a challenge. But a challenge is good for us all every now and then. It stretches your limits and moves you into new spaces! I love it!
My all time FAVOURITE activity in the LIFE WORKBOOK is to list 100 things you want to do in the year. I love it that much I kinda went a little crazy last year and came up with 156 things!!!
As it turned out however, an new little light wanted to be a part of this world and chose me as his mama. So while I couldn't be more thrilled about that, I must admit, he did derail many of my 2014 plans. I was either too sick or tired to follow my dreams, or I was just too busy managing other things to keep up with them.
That's why I only blogged ONCE last year... And I didn't even realise it until now! OOPS!
I was a little distracted!
So distracted that I only fulfilled 13 of my gigantic list!
- I managed 7 days of a photo challenge (GO ME!)
- I purchased new underwear (Nursing bras and stretchy belly knickers)
- I bought a jewellery hanger
- We made play dough once - no glitter though...
- Went swimming
- I have begun losing weight
- I helped my husband start a business from home (that's almost like doing it for myself!)
- Signed up to be an organ donor!
- Created a dream board
- Became more thoughtful about gratitude and the universe.
- Got my glasses fixed
- Bought a pair of jeans but they need altering!
- I raised $250 for the MS foundation but did not climb the tower.
Not an overwhelmingly long list checked off there! Oh well...
I can fix that this year though! Now that 2015 is here and my tiny guy is growing like a weed! I am excited to jump on in and make stuff happen in my life again!
So, to that end, I present my 100 things list! (That may number more then 100!)
- Participate and raise money for the Red Dress Dash!
- Participate in and raise $2000 for Step Up For MS Stair Climb and do it in under 20 minutes!
- Watch 6 movies this year!
- Walk 50km in a week
- Read 26 books this year
- Watch the House series
- Take part in a photo a day challenge
- Take part in a writing challenge
- Sing in public and bust my fear
- Learn to crochet and make something!
- Learn enough Dutch to carry a conversation
- Do a self defence course
- Take part in a short course or workshop a term
- Take advantage of the Amazing Biz and Life Academy resources
- Restring and play guitar
- Go on a horse ride
- Knit something
- Blog more
- Try making a vlog
- Restore my old desk
- Fix the giraffe pot stand
- Write my children's book
- Scrapbook 52 pages
- Journal
- Draw more - even if it is doodling
- Research book idea
- Take the kids out to a restaurant meal
- Send snail mail!
- Try Zumba
- Go on a camel ride
- Go to lunch once a term with friends
- Go out for drinks and dancing
- Get a manicure, pedicure and a massage
- Have sexy photos taken
- Spend quiet time with my bunnies
- Eat outdoors
- Go for a long bike ride
- Buy a belly dance costume
- Try burlesque
- Buy a corset!
- Buy a red dress
- Acquire some kick-ass boots
- Update my wardrobe and accessorise more
- Find creative ways to store things I love
- Tame my digital photo collection
- Create a beautiful corner in the garden to sit and think
- Sit and think more
- Learn to use routines
- Have updated address and birthday books
- Send birthday cards!
- Convert my old home movies to DVD
- Plan Christmas in advance!
- Wake up to a clean and tidy home just once!
- Find a space to call my creative home
- Finish the flowers for Celeste's walls
- Give the boys their own rooms
- Give Ethan a cute nursery
- Fill my kids lunch boxes with healthy love!
- Play more! Laugh more!
- Focus on making my ritual days work!
- Play board games and jigsaws all day in winter in front of the heater
- Play hide and seek
- Invent a character and make stories up
- Have a movie night on the floor in a "family bed"
- Make glittery play dough
- Put love notes in lunch boxes
- Take a family trip to somewhere new
- Go ice skating
- Release "I love you"
- Go to the cinema in my PJ's with the kids
- Take the kids bowling
- Go ice skating
- Go to Esperance to visit the family
- Do craft projects together - footprint butterflies
- Visit AQWA
- Visit penguin island
- Take the kids to the beach
- Record ourselves singing songs we love
- Blow bubbles more
- Go on a picnic with our teddies
- Renovate the cubby house
- Spend the night in the cubby
- Host a kids dance party!
- Give the kids a birthday party each this year!
- Toast marshmallows and tell spooky stories by the fire
- Volunteer at school
- Take Ethan to play group
- Learn to do the splits!
- Drink tea
- Drink more water
- Juice and green smoothies!
- Run 5km
- Take care of my skin
- Grow something edible
- Make terrariums with the kids
- Get a pap-smear done... (Live the dream baby!)
- Practice tonglen
- Do yoga more
- Wear jeans
- Save $1000 for no real reason
- Save $1 coins
- Make a living for myself
- Start a home based business
- Publish something
- Pay something off
- Make decisions about my education!
- Get paid for something I write
- Make a $20 backpack for the homeless to give away
- Sell some Nutrimetics instead of being the worst salesperson eva!
- Buy something lovely for myself!
- Send a "just because" gift to someone special
- Donate blood
- Keep chalk in my bag and write love notes to the world
- Pay a total stranger a compliment
- Buy lunch for someone who needs it
- Smile at strangers in the street
- Keep a happiness jar
- Have a bowl of pretty crystals - healing crystals
- Help make my husbands food business, Nicely Spiced a reality that allows him to give up his day job!
- Burn more candles or incense
- Hang windchimes
- Paint my nails more
- Make new friends & renew old friendships (Always)
- Journal my romances
- Create a dream board
- Write my bucket list
- Write my travel bucket list
- Research, plan and start saving for a BIG TRIP
- Focus on becoming more intuitive
- Celebrate my 40th birthday when I turn 41!
- Play more podcasts
- Make my last wishes known
- Expand my music listening horizons
- Write my baby's birth stories
- Wear perfume
- Visit my tree
- Take myself out to lunch
- Learn to let go of things I don't need anymore
- Learn to use chopsticks
- Give up doing laundry
- Have family photos taken
- Learn a bit of coding
- Create things and release them into the world
HA... number 140 is a dream I will never realise with 4 kids LOL But I can do my best with the rest!
I am going to print up this list this year and post it somewhere I can easily see it. Maybe even keep a copy on my phone for quick reference. This year I'm gonna shine!
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